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黄雪桐(Amy) 2023年03月09日

本文作者|指南者留学金牌文书导师 · 黄雪桐







01 罗列职责和成果 vs 深入阐释学习需求


  • Before


I worked at CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. as an overseas English translator in Jamaica.【跨国公司从事驻外翻译】 At first, I not only translated engineering contracts, construction plans, and bidding documents but also served as a liaison with local stakeholders. Later, I was responsible for traveling to other countries to interpret at meetings and conferences. Finally, I independently performed the preliminary cost calculation and translation of a road project's construction technical scheme, which helped our company secure the contract with a winning bid of approximately $34 million. 【一开始负责……后来负责……最后……仅仅是按部就班地描述任务,但没有突出「我」是如何出色地履行职责、对公司作出巨大贡献的,显得平淡无奇。】


  • After


I took a bold chance to make valuable achievements after graduation by working as a business officer, English translator, and interpreter in Jamaica for CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., a top 500 state-owned company expanding globally.【突出「我」选择驻外翻译是一个有挑战性、有价值的成就,展现「我」勇于走出舒适圈、突破自我的形象】 I excelled in a project by independently calculating costs and translating construction plans for a road project, helping the company secure the contract with a winning bid of $34 million.【略去了对基础职责的讲述,直接highlight最大的成就点:通过出色的成本控制和翻译沟通能力,帮公司以3400万美元的价格中标】 While I value my translation work and its impact, I understand that I need to further develop my skills. My previous work focused mostly on translating technical and scientific documents, leaving me with little experience in translating subjective texts like novels, essays, or the texts of movies and games. I believe that translation is a form of communication and re-creation that brings the text to life in a new language and resonates with the readers. This will be a focus of my future postgraduate studies. 【在成就的基础上增加反思,以更积极的方式展示自己的优势和不足,并且佐证了研究生学习翻译的必要性】



02 罗列职责和成果 vs 深入阐释技能收获


  • Before


I conducted research on the impact of Macau's medical voucher system on private medical institutions and public hospitals.【调查澳门医疗券制度对私营机构和公立医院的影响】 I made a literature review and questionnaire survey to collect data, and employed a cluster sampling method for sample analysis. 【罗列本应在简历中就强调过的岗位职责:收集数据、抽样调查等】The study resulted in a 3,900-word research report written in English, which earned me an A grade.【罗列本应在简历中就强调过的项目成果】


  • After


Realizing the intricacy of policymaking and the duties of policymakers is crucial in comprehending the policy-making process. 【个性化观点的输出】During my interdisciplinary research on the evaluation of the medical voucher system in Macau, I conducted field research in various public hospitals and private medical institutions. I discovered that the difficulty in implementing the medical voucher system policy was a result of the impact of economic growth and the family medicine system, which affected the normative aspect of public policy.【描述经历中面临的挑战和获得的见解,强调从经历中学习成长的过程】This experience taught me how to gather public opinions regarding a particular policy. I gained a deeper understanding of the challenges in policy implementation and the significance of taking into account the economic, social, and cultural context when developing and executing policies. 【从个人技能的收获引申到对政策执行的思考,侧面刻画「我」的专业素质和反思能力】


03 罗列职责和成果 vs 深入阐释领域认识


  • Before


To address the pollution issue caused by the coal washing pool near the coal corridor, I redesigned the Quantai Coal Mine in Xuzhou.【废弃煤矿改造】 I dismantled the pool, turned the soil into a hard pavement, and transformed the area into an open outdoor space with extensive greenery. Additionally, I reorganized the vertical space of the mine and divided its functions, transforming it into an artist's studio.【解决方案是……组织了……设计了……按部就班、实事求是,但无法体现「我」的思维过程、创造力和问题解决能力】


  • After


In my renovation design of the Quantai Coal Mine in Xuzhou, I felt the importance of selective preservation and demolition in giving new life to abandoned buildings.【强调对建筑进行选择性保护和拆除的重要意义】 Based on the mine's historical, cultural, and artistic value, I transformed the environment of the west mining area and the west well. I dismantled the polluting coal-washing pool and turned the area into an open space with greenery. The original railway line was preserved and transformed into a scenic route for tourists to immersively experience and connect with the mining area's historical events.【强调每一个拆除和保留动作背后的意义:如保留铁路线为游客创造风光游览带】The cylindrical structure of the west well was turned into an artist's studio, and the once-abandoned mining area became a cultural park and tourist attraction. This experience taught me that the value of preserving historic buildings lies in attracting tourists and preserving historical memory through unique cultural features. 【对专业领域的深刻认知:保护历史建筑的价值在于通过独特的文化特征保留历史记忆】


