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张文姣(Venera) 2023年04月26日



今天#心动的文书#栏目,将与大家探寻如何另辟蹊径,将平平无奇的经历妙笔生花,呈现出一份高含金量的personal statement。





I grew up in a family of merchants, and this environment has instilled in me a strong interest in marketing. 【家庭影响:家人从商】I believe that good marketing can create greater value for businesses and drive industry development. 【专业认知:营销为企业创造价值】In recent years, the Hanfu industry has been thriving, and Chinese-style products have gradually gained recognition. As a cultural inheritor, I think that a good product can only form a virtuous cycle if it is sold. Therefore, marketing and cross-cultural research are essential to promote the development of this industry... This gave me a new perspective on the inheritance and revival of traditional culture. I feel that it is a great pity if national culture cannot be well inherited. 【营销作用:能传播传统文化,推动国货走出去】As a result, I decided to start my own business in the future or work for a culture-related company. To achieve this dream, I chose to study international business at the Sino-foreign cooperative Nottingham University in Ningbo, and learned Japanese to experience Japanese culture and learn from their ways of inheritance and management.【本科背景:学习国际商务,日本文化和继承管理方式】 Now, as I am about to graduate, I hope to have the opportunity to deeply study marketing and acquire more marketing knowledge, in order to make a greater contribution to cultural inheritance and development【做出成绩:致力于文化传承与发扬】.




Since junior high school, I have swooned over Hanfu culture. I am familiar with its history, design and development status and always hope to convey its charm to more people. 【深受汉服文化影响】When serving as the Minister of Chinese Culture Community at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, I was committed to cultural publicity from etiquette demonstrations that present the coming-of-age ceremony for men of Han nationality to historical stage plays that immerse audiences in the rich tapestry of China's past... Through my efforts, I have successfully organized Hanfu fashion shows and curated workshops that showcase the beauty of traditional Chinese attire and accessories. Utilizing social media platforms, I have attracted a wide and diverse audience, captivating them with Hanfu culture, including makeup styles from different dynasties and the art of creating intricate sachets and necklaces adorned with precious gems.【大学期间致力于多样的文化传播科普活动:汉族成人礼,中国历史舞台剧,汉服科普,历代妆容饰品等,并成功获得了大批量的受众追捧】 All these successful experiences have made me aware of the important role that marketing plays in promoting the development of the cultural and creative industry. 【意识到营销在文创产业的发展中起的重要作用】Being an ambitious girl who wants to bring prosperity to the culture industry, I recognize the necessity to learn advanced marketing theories【希望让文化产业更加繁荣】. As such, I am determined to pursue a Master's degree in marketing that can help me achieve my goals. I am confident that I can play a significant role in advancing the cultural and creative industries, bringing the beauty and complexity of Chinese culture to a global audience 【联系职业规划】.












I interned at McKinsey from March to June 2022 as a data analytics intern.【实习岗位:数据分析师】 The company provides various services related to university professional development, teaching quality and improvement analysis, enrollment evaluation, graduate training quality evaluation, and student growth evaluation.【公司的服务范畴:为高校提供专业建设咨询、教学质量与改进分析、生源与招生评价、毕业生培养质量评价、学生成长评价等】 My responsibilities included data analysis and report writing using Python and Excel. 【职责:数据分析和报告撰写】Despite feeling pressure to quickly learn the necessary tools and methods, I completed my tasks within a week and learned to believe in myself and do things carefully. 【亮点一:快速学习能力】Under the guidance of my mentor, I became more proficient in data visualization and familiarized myself with the application of Python and Excel, report writing, and making presentations.【亮点二:熟练运用Python, Excel和数据可视化】 I also gained an understanding of the workflow and main tasks of data analysis work, 【了解数据分析主体流程】and believe that I will continue to improve my skills in future studies and work.




Encouraged by my growth in the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM), I secured a coveted position as a data analyst at MyCOS in 2022. 【解释开始这段实习的背景:在中国数模大赛上培养了很轻的数据分析能力】My primary responsibilities involved meticulously cleaning and processing data, alongside compiling comprehensive reports for the company's diverse range of analytical services in conformity with universities' teaching and enrollment. 【简述职责的同时把公司的服务内容也化用在内】Despite the demanding nature of my role, I quickly acclimated myself to the multifaceted operations within a week. 【优势一:多领域任务处理能力】Throughout my internship, I gained insights into how to effectively visualize complex data sets using advanced computer software.【优势二:对复杂数据集高效率地可视化】 With a sharper analytical perspective, coupled with proficiency in Python and Excel, I have expanded my horizons and deepened my understanding of the role of a data analyst.【优势三:对数据分析这一岗位的洞察加深】 I am committed to relentlessly pursuing breakthroughs in this dynamic and exciting field.












In my third year of university, I took a course on sensors which included both experiments and independent design projects.【项目内容:传感器实验和独立传感器设计项目】 The experiments were conducted at night, lasting around four hours each, and required precise data collection and processing. Despite the exhaustion and the possibility of errors, I never thought of giving up, believing that persistence would eventually pay off. 【实验的现实困难:晚上实验且耗时过长】During one experiment, I discovered a large discrepancy between the calculated and actual fitting lines, and found the cause to be an inappropriate gain adjustment in the differential amplifier. I improved the setup and obtained precise results. 【实验一:找到了导致计算拟合线与实际之间差异的原因—差动放大器的增益调节不合适】In another experiment, many of my peers encountered issues with the speedometer, but I managed to find a working one, and received praise from the teacher during the final presentation. 【实验二:换用转速台实现良好的呈现效果】For my independent design project, I had to measure the diameter of a stepped shaft using a non-contact method, with a resolution of 2μm. After careful consideration, I opted for a fiber optic displacement sensor and received a good grade for my design. 【自主设计:选用光纤位移传感器实现高分辨率的非接触式测量阶梯轴直径】This practical experience enhanced my proficiency in applying professional knowledge to real-world problems and taught me the importance of paying attention to details.




During my junior year, I undertook a challenging case study that entailed conducting and recording data from 20 experiments.【点出项目主题:实验并记录20次实验数据】 To ensure success, I devised a comprehensive organizational plan that prioritized my daytime studies while also accounting for nighttime experimentation and potential emergencies. 【项目之前:进行细致的实验规划,合理安排时间并预测可能的突发情况】My meticulous planning paid off in spades, as I was able to fine-tune trial details such as adjusting the differential amplifier and maximizing efficacy through the use of an optical fiber displacement sensor. 【操作过程:有效调试实验细节比如调整差动放大器和改用光纤位移传感器】My ability to anticipate potential issues and proactively problem-solve resulted in minimal losses and optimal results. 【成果显著:损失最低且结果最优】I firmly believe that my potential in scheduling and proactive problem-solving skills will prove invaluable in analyzing complex logistics systems and making preparations for logistics problems in advance【能力反思:统筹规划和解决问题的能力对于分析复杂的供应链系统有很大的助益】.







我是 的搭档